About the hotel

Hotel "Intelcoop" is located in one of the quietest and most peaceful neighborhoods of Plovdiv - "Kyuchuk Paris", near the central train station and the "Rodopi" bus station.

The complex is owned by the Central Cooperative Union and managed by EOOO "Intelekst COOP" - Plovdiv. The hotel specializes in the fields of congress tourism and professional training.

To its guests, the hotel "Intelcoop" provides complex services - restaurant-hotel and training.


Hotel complex includes:

  • Hotel "Intelcoop" 
  • Restaurant "COOP" 
  • Training center - licensed by the National Agency for Professional Education and Training (NAPOO) for professional training|| |221

В распоряжении гостей отеля: лобби-бар, магазин сувениров, гардероб, паркинг.



Plovdiv - ancient and eternal.| ||229

Многовековое существование и развитие города сопровождалось переменой его названия: Филиппополь, Тримонциум - Трихолмие, Пулпудева, Евмолпиада, Пылдин, Плоудин.

Plovdiv is the second largest city in Bulgaria - an important strategic, industrial, commercial, scientific, cultural and communication center.

It is located 150 km from Sofia, in the central part of southern Bulgaria. Located at an altitude of 160 meters above sea level on two banks of the river Maritsy.



In the Plovdiv region there are some of the most famous natural and historical sights in Bulgaria: Medieval Asenov Fortress, Bachkovsky Monastery, Arapovsky Monastery, Thracian Temple in the village of Starosel, picturesque Rose Valley, balneological treatment centers in Hisare, Banya and Narechenskie Bani.

Not far away are Kristova Gora and Pamporovo resort complex.| ||243

Шесть холмов из сиенита, на которых расположен Пловдив, придают ему неповторимую и живописную красоту. Город имеет богатое историческое и культурное наследство, доступное для его посетителей:


The famous Panagyur gold treasure and many other exhibits are stored in the archaeological museum of the city.|| |263

Выставочная программа Международной Пловдивской ярмарки - включает проведение многоотраслевых ярмарок и специализированных выставок, охватывающих ключевые отрасли болгарской экономики.